Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.
We appreciate your report as your input helps us to identify ways to
constantly maintain and improve our service. We apologize for any
inconvenience this has caused you. If you notice any further
difficulties when delivering to Yahoo! Mail accounts, after waiting a
reasonable amount of time, please let us know by replying directly to
this email. However please note the following:
If you are receiving the error code “421 Message from x.x.x.x
temporarily deferred” or “451 Message temporarily deferred – 4.16.50” in
your SMTP logs, this indicates that the message you attempted to send
was not accepted by Yahoo! Mail servers. It is not a permanent error;
your system will automatically re-try later. If, after attempting to
deliver to Yahoo! and receive the 4.16.50 error repeatedly and conform
to the best sending practices outlined in the following page, we
encourage you to apply for prioritized sending at the link below.
Recommended Best Practices:
Prioritized Delivery (Please note that this form can also be used by
senders whose mailings are being directed to the Bulk Folder):
If you are receiving a separate error than that above, please provide
the text of any error messages you may have received. Also, providing
the specific IP address of the mail server that experienced the delivery
issue will help us to troubleshoot the issue more efficiently.
For assistance with delivery issues to Yahoo! Mail, please visit:
We appreciate your patience while we work to improve and maintain our
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Mail.
Samuel Cyprian
Yahoo! Customer Care
Original Message Follows:
Mail-Id: w1.help.tpc.yahoo.com-/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/defer.html-1196670703-23
“Name:” : Joe Horn
“Email Address:” : ##我的Gmail信箱##
“Domains” : ###.com.tw
“Subject:” : Email not accepted for policy reasons
“IP Addresses:” : ###.###.###.1
“Error Codes:” :
host mx2.mail.tw.yahoo.com[] refused to
talk to me: 421 Message from (###.###.###.1) temporarily deferred –
4.16.50. Please refer to http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-06.html
host mx2.mail.tw.yahoo.com[] refused to talk to me: 421
Message from (###.###.###.2) temporarily deferred – 4.16.50.
“Contents:” :
“Additional Info:” : Our company provide web hosting service for EC site owner.
Recently, we receive complaint from our customer.
They said that their customer who using Yahoo! mailbox couldn't
receive product order notification, but Gmail is okay.
Could you please help us to solve this problem?
“Information Passed In”:
“from_url” : http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/abuse/abuse-60.html
While Viewing: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/abuse/abuse-60.html
Form Name: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/defer.html
Yahoo ID:
Other ID:
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv:
Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
Date Originated: Monday December 3, 2007 – 00:31:43
一看就知道,又是在打官腔… :x
我把 ###.###.###.1 跟 ###.###.###.2 這兩個 IP 丟到 DNSBL 測試網站測試過,通通都是正常的。
而且,這兩台機器的網域都有 SPF 設定。
Yahoo 不使用開放架構,自行建置黑名單,回報後又沒給理由,著實令人頭疼。
我的研判,原因可能是「spammer 使用偽造的 Yahoo 信箱位址當作 From,丟信到 mail server,mail server 查不到收件人,嘗試退信,就回彈到 Yahoo 去」,所以在 mail server 上面改了些設定。
###.###.###.1 跟 ###.###.###.2 這兩個 IP 分別使用 Exim 跟 Postfix 作 MTA 。
我對 Exim 不熟,所以只調整了 Postfix 的 rule ,在 main.cf 用了這些設定(大部分是原本就有的):
bounce_queue_lifetime = 1h
maximal_queue_lifetime = 3d
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_auth_clients = yes
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_recipient_access regexp:/usr/local/etc/postfix/access_regex,
smtpd_client_restrictions =
check_client_access regexp:/usr/local/etc/postfix/access_regex,
reject_rbl_client bl.spamcop.net,
reject_rbl_client sbl.spamhaus.org,
reject_rbl_client list.dsbl.org,
reject_rbl_client cblless.anti-spam.org.cn,
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
在 /usr/local/etc/postfix/access_regex 這個檔案裡面則是塞了這些:
/dsl\./ REJECT
/\.dsl/ REJECT
/dynamic\./ REJECT
/\.dynamic/ REJECT
/-dynamic/ REJECT
/dynamic-/ REJECT
/\.dynamicIP\./ REJECT
/\.dyn/ REJECT
/dyn\./ REJECT
/dyn-/ REJECT
/-dyn/ REJECT
/dynpool/ REJECT
另外,建議有相同困擾的人,運用 Gmail 信箱當作 mail 溝通管道。
PHP 的系統可以考慮導入 libgmailer 。
有人跟我說,要人家放棄 Yahoo 的信箱很難,因為Y拍的店主都得用 Yahoo 的信箱。
可是… 露天+搜尋引擎關鍵字廣告不好用嗎? 而且,目前露天還不會向店長勒索!
12 月 8 2007
Yahoo 客服回信…
一看就知道,又是在打官腔… :x
我把 ###.###.###.1 跟 ###.###.###.2 這兩個 IP 丟到 DNSBL 測試網站測試過,通通都是正常的。
而且,這兩台機器的網域都有 SPF 設定。
Yahoo 不使用開放架構,自行建置黑名單,回報後又沒給理由,著實令人頭疼。
我的研判,原因可能是「spammer 使用偽造的 Yahoo 信箱位址當作 From,丟信到 mail server,mail server 查不到收件人,嘗試退信,就回彈到 Yahoo 去」,所以在 mail server 上面改了些設定。
###.###.###.1 跟 ###.###.###.2 這兩個 IP 分別使用 Exim 跟 Postfix 作 MTA 。
我對 Exim 不熟,所以只調整了 Postfix 的 rule ,在 main.cf 用了這些設定(大部分是原本就有的):
在 /usr/local/etc/postfix/access_regex 這個檔案裡面則是塞了這些:
另外,建議有相同困擾的人,運用 Gmail 信箱當作 mail 溝通管道。
PHP 的系統可以考慮導入 libgmailer 。
有人跟我說,要人家放棄 Yahoo 的信箱很難,因為Y拍的店主都得用 Yahoo 的信箱。
可是… 露天+搜尋引擎關鍵字廣告不好用嗎? 而且,目前露天還不會向店長勒索!
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By Joe Horn • Mail 0 • Tags: service, Yahoo