5 月 23 2006
自從 上次的 PHP 地雷事件 後, 目前手上兩三台有裝 CPG 跟 phpBB 的機器一直停在 PHP 4.4.0 .
可是現在要用 ports 升級 phpMyAdmin 卻會失敗, 還噴這串出來 :
This port requires the Apache Module or the CGI version of PHP, but you have already installed a PHP port without them.
*** Error code 1
跑到 /usr/ports/lang/php4 底下用 make config 把 Apache module 加進去, 還是會噴上面這串…
目前 ports 裡面, PHP4 最新的版本是 4.4.2 , PHP5 是 5.1.4 , phpBB 的版本是 2.0.20 , CPG 是 1.4.6 .
2006-05-30 @ 14:00
AFFECTS: users of PHP
AUTHOR: [email protected]
The old PHP slave ports (phpN-cli, phpN-cgi and mod_phpN) were removed in
favour of unified PHP ports that allow building any combination of PHP SAPIs
(cli, cgi and apache module). The PHP CGI binary was renamed to php-cgi, so
you should update the path in your script. To simplify the update process,
*only* for this release a ‘php’ compatibility symlink to php-cgi will be
created if you don’t select the CLI SAPI. Before the upgrade you *should*
run ‘make config’ in lang/php4 or lang/php5 to configure the SAPIs you want
to install. As a consequence the default binary packages include the CLI and
the FastCGI SAPIs.
make config;portupgrade -f 應該就行了吧 – -?
2006-05-31 @ 02:09
我文章裡面有說, 我做過了. =_=b